Stick War Tower Defence


Stick War isn't really a tower defense game, but it's too damn fun to not post here. Strategy for this game is to just pick one unit to upgrade the hell out of, along with the +2gold/sec skill.

You're crazy if you don't pick the spartan unit to upgrade. They just freaking OWN everything. It's fun watching towers own creeps in tower defense games, but damn watching 10 spartans rape everything in their way is equally as amusing.

You can either watch your units battle it out with the enemies, or you can control one of your units. You still have to issue orders so they know what to do, the three main orders in this game is Garrison, Defend, and Attack.

Garrison - Sends miners and everything else inside your castle and bowmen shoot at attacking enemies.

Defend - Sends units to where the miners are and defends against attacking units.

Attack - Sends units to destroy the opponents shrine or monument, whatever you wanna call it.

BTW, don't upgrade the giant. They are slow and stupid. They rape shrines easily though. In Stick War, as far as I know, Spartans and Wizards own.

StickWar units

Miner - Costs 250 gold. Mines 100 gold per trip to castle. Fast build time.

Bowman - Costs 400 gold. Shoots at a really long range, has really low HP. (dies to 1 spartan spear throw) Average build time.

Swordrath - Costs 150 gold. Average attack. Low defense for melee, has a little more than the bowman's HP. Really useful for zerging a giant down. Fast Build time.

SPARTAN - Costs 400 gold. Best attack in game. Has 1 spear to throw, then uses sword and attacks really fast. Has a shield which can block attacks. Owns face. Average build time.

Wizard - Costs 1200 gold. Summons 3-4 units that are a little bit weaker than a Swordrath. Has an AOE stun attack. Can hold off a tight group of melee units, can perma stun if multiple wizards are there. Takes ages to build.

Giant - Costs 1400 gold. If this guy reaches your/enemy's base, it's game over. Other than that, useless against a zerg of swordrath/spartans.


Anonymous said...

Wizard > spartan

Anonymous said...

Giant > spartan

Anonymous said...

Human controlled spartan > all you noobs

Anonymous said...

No, human controlled wizard > all you noobs

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